This story began back in February when I purchased one of those inspiring life planners as a gift for my niece's 14th birthday. Prior to this, Emilia and I had shared many conversations over what career and life she would strive for upon leaving school. This prompted me to think back to the many thoughts and ideas I had about my future whilst growing up - I was always an advocate of having a clear aim of what you want to 'do' in life. How do you know what to do next if you have no end goal? That was my theory anyway and now as a teacher, I continue to live by this ethos. If my students have no idea of what they want to do with their future, they struggle to engage and self-motivate so I am always sparking off similar discussions with my classes. So, as an aunty, I wanted to help my niece plot out her hopes and dreams so once she reaches that dreaded decision time in a couple of years, she has carefully considered her next move wisely. As with most people, I know now that I would have made quite different choices upon leaving school as I did.

A couple of months on and Emilia referred back to this hopes and dreams planner, stating that she had so many ideas that she didn't know which ones to map out in her diary. There are several careers that take her fancy but how do you choose a path if you have no idea what that industry REALLY entails? So, as a much wiser 14 year old than I ever was, Emilia decided that she wanted to start some work experience in the jobs that she is considering for her future prospects.
To my delight, one of those options is journalism, which obviously was music to my ears and excited me dearly. But being proactive and ambitious at 14 years old can be limiting, as not many organisations will take on under 18's, so cue in Aunty Sophie with her media side hustle...
Over the coming weeks Emilia will be producing media content to share with you all via this platform to test the waters and to help her figure out whether broadcast journalism is an industry she would enjoy being a part of. The first of which is a new podcast series named Everything Goes - a concept that Emilia developed herself with the intention of discussing current topics about our world today. Everything that you see within this series will be coordinated by her with a helping hand from me of course and I really hope that you enjoy sharing our creative journey together as Emilia attempts to figure out her hopes and dreams for the future.
Check out our first episode here:
